# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright (C) 2021-2022 morguldir
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
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Module for parsing TIDAL's pages format found at https://listen.tidal.com/v1/pages
import copy
[docs]class Page(object):
A page from the https://listen.tidal.com/view/pages/ endpoint
The :class:`categories` field will the most complete information
However it is an iterable that goes through all the visible items on the page as well, in the natural reading order
title = ""
categories = None
_categories_iter = None
def __init__(self, session, title):
self.request = session.request
self.categories = None
self.title = title
self.page_category = PageCategory(session)
def __iter__(self):
self._categories_iter = iter(self.categories)
self._category = next(self._categories_iter)
self._items_iter = iter(self._category.items)
return self
def __next__(self):
if self._category == StopIteration:
return StopIteration
item = next(self._items_iter)
except StopIteration:
self._category = next(self._categories_iter)
self._items_iter = iter(self._category.items)
return self.__next__()
return item
[docs] def next(self):
return self.__next__()
[docs] def parse(self, json_obj):
Goes through everything in the page, and gets the title and adds all the rows to the categories field
:param json_obj: The json to be parsed
:return: A copy of the Page that you can use to browse all the items
self.title = json_obj['title']
self.categories = []
for row in json_obj['rows']:
page_item = self.page_category.parse(row['modules'][0])
return copy.copy(self)
[docs] def get(self, endpoint, params=None):
Retrieve a page from the specified endpoint, overwrites the calling page
:param params: Parameter to retrieve the page with
:param endpoint: The endpoint you want to retrieve
:return: A copy of the new :class:`.Page` at the requested endpoint
url = endpoint
if params is None:
params = {}
if "deviceType" not in params:
params["deviceType"] = "BROWSER"
json_obj = self.request.request('GET', url, params=params).json()
return self.parse(json_obj)
[docs]class PageCategory(object):
type = None
title = None
description = ""
session = None
requests = None
_more = None
def __init__(self, session):
self.session = session
self.request = session.request
self.item_types = {
'ALBUM_LIST': self.session.parse_album,
'ARTIST_LIST': self.session.parse_artist,
'TRACK_LIST': self.session.parse_track,
'PLAYLIST_LIST': self.session.parse_playlist,
'VIDEO_LIST': self.session.parse_video,
'MIX_LIST': self.session.parse_mix,
[docs] def parse(self, json_obj):
result = None
category_type = json_obj['type']
if category_type in ('PAGE_LINKS_CLOUD', 'PAGE_LINKS'):
category = PageLinks(self.session)
category = FeaturedItems(self.session)
elif category_type in self.item_types.keys():
category = ItemList(self.session)
elif category_type == 'MIX_HEADER':
result = self.session.parse_mix(json_obj['mix'])
elif category_type == 'ARTIST_HEADER':
result = self.session.parse_artist(json_obj['artist'])
result.bio = json_obj['bio']
elif category_type == 'ALBUM_HEADER':
result = self.session.parse_album(json_obj['album'])
elif category_type == 'HIGHLIGHT_MODULE':
category = ItemList(self.session)
elif category_type == 'MIXED_TYPES_LIST':
category = ItemList(self.session)
elif category_type == 'TEXT_BLOCK':
category = TextBlock(self.session)
elif category_type in ('ITEM_LIST_WITH_ROLES', 'ALBUM_ITEMS'):
category = ItemList(self.session)
elif category_type == 'ARTICLE_LIST':
json_obj['items'] = json_obj['pagedList']['items']
category = LinkList(self.session)
elif category_type == 'SOCIAL':
json_obj['items'] = json_obj['socialProfiles']
category = LinkList(self.session)
raise NotImplementedError('PageType {} not implemented'.format(category_type))
if result:
return result
return category.parse(json_obj)
[docs] def show_more(self):
Get the full list of items on their own :class:`.Page` from a :class:`.PageCategory`
:return: A :class:`.Page` more of the items in the category, None if there aren't any
return Page(self.session, self._more['title']).get(self._more['apiPath']) if self._more else None
[docs]class FeaturedItems(PageCategory):
Items that have been featured by TIDAL
items = None
def __init__(self, session):
super(FeaturedItems, self).__init__(session)
[docs] def parse(self, json_obj):
self.items = []
self.title = json_obj['title']
self.description = json_obj['description']
for item in json_obj['items']:
self.items.append(PageItem(self.session, item))
return self
[docs]class PageLinks(PageCategory):
A list of :class:`.PageLink` to other parts of TIDAL
items = None
[docs] def parse(self, json_obj):
Parse the list of links from TIDAL
:param json_obj: The json to be parsed
:return: A copy of this page category containing the links in the items field
self._more = json_obj.get('showMore')
self.title = json_obj['title']
self.items = []
for item in json_obj['pagedList']['items']:
self.items.append(PageLink(self.session, item))
return copy.copy(self)
[docs]class ItemList(PageCategory):
A list of items from TIDAL, can be a list of mixes, for example, or a list of playlists and mixes in some cases
items = None
[docs] def parse(self, json_obj):
Parse a list of items on TIDAL from the pages endpoints.
:param json_obj: The json from TIDAL to be parsed
:return: A copy of the ItemList with a list of items
self._more = json_obj.get('showMore')
self.title = json_obj['title']
item_type = json_obj['type']
list_key = 'pagedList'
session = None
parse = None
if item_type in self.item_types.keys():
parse = self.item_types[item_type]
elif item_type == 'HIGHLIGHT_MODULE':
session = self.session
# Unwrap subtitle, maybe add a field for it later
json_obj[list_key] = {'items': [x['item'] for x in json_obj['highlights']]}
elif item_type in ('MIXED_TYPES_LIST', 'ALBUM_ITEMS'):
session = self.session
elif item_type == 'ITEM_LIST_WITH_ROLES':
for item in json_obj[list_key]['items']:
item['item']['artistRoles'] = item['roles']
session = self.session
raise NotImplementedError("PageType {} not implemented".format(item_type))
self.items = self.request.map_json(json_obj[list_key], parse, session)
return copy.copy(self)
[docs]class PageLink(object):
A Link to another :class:`.Page` on TIDAL, Call get() to retrieve the Page
title = None
icon = None
api_path = None
image_id = None
session = None
requests = None
def __init__(self, session, json_obj):
self.session = session
self.request = session.request
self.title = json_obj['title']
self.icon = json_obj['icon']
self.api_path = json_obj['apiPath']
self.image_id = json_obj['imageId']
[docs] def get(self):
Requests the linked page from TIDAL
:return: A :class:`Page` at the api_path
return self.request.map_request(self.api_path, params={'deviceType': 'DESKTOP'}, parse=self.session.parse_page)
[docs]class PageItem(object):
An Item from a :class:`.PageCategory` from the /pages endpoint, call get() to retrieve the actual item
header = ""
short_header = ""
short_sub_header = ""
image_id = ""
type = ""
artifact_id = ""
text = ""
featured = False
def __init__(self, session, json_obj):
self.session = session
self.request = session.request
self.header = json_obj['header']
self.short_header = json_obj['shortHeader']
self.short_sub_header = json_obj['shortSubHeader']
self.image_id = json_obj['imageId']
self.type = json_obj['type']
self.artifact_id = json_obj['artifactId']
self.text = json_obj['text']
self.featured = bool(json_obj['featured'])
[docs] def get(self):
Retrieve the PageItem with the artifact_id matching the type
:return: The fully parsed item, e.g. :class:`.Playlist`, :class:`.Video`, :class:`.Track`
if self.type == 'PLAYLIST':
result = self.session.playlist(self.artifact_id)
elif self.type == 'VIDEO':
result = self.session.video(self.artifact_id)
elif self.type == 'TRACK':
result = self.session.track(self.artifact_id)
elif self.type == 'ARTIST':
result = self.session.artist(self.artifact_id)
raise NotImplementedError("PageItem type %s not implemented" % self.type)
return result
class TextBlock(object):
A block of text, with a named icon, which seems to be left up to the application
text = ""
icon = ""
items = None
def __init__(self, session):
self.session = session
def parse(self, json_obj):
self.text = json_obj['text']
self.icon = json_obj['icon']
self.items = [self.text]
return copy.copy(self)
class LinkList(PageCategory):
A list of items containing links, e.g. social links or articles
items = None
title = None
description = None
def parse(self, json_obj):
self.items = json_obj['items']
self.title = json_obj['title']
self.description = json_obj['description']
return copy.copy(self)