(BREAKING!) Removed obsolete parameter session_id from load_oauth_session - lutzbuerkle
(BREAKING!) Drop support for python2.7 - morguldir
(BREAKING!) Change the architecture of the library to allow for using more files, see the migration guide - morguldir
Add support for tidal pages (e.g. home, videos and explore in the web ui) - morguldir
Add support for parsing mixes and retrieving the media - morguldir
Get rid of the old genre and mood support, you can now find them in the pages instead - morguldir
Update almost all of the json parsing and classes to include more fields - morguldir
Add complete docstrings to many of the functions - morguldir
Tests now cover almost all of the code - morguldir
Pylint scores are now much higher - morguldir
Add option to retrieve master quality tracks (I can’t test this, but I believe it works as of writing) - morguldir
Add a few documentation pages explaining the basics - morguldir
Add support for modifying playlists - morguldir
Add a parameter to always fetch the track album if it’s not provided - divadsn
Add function to retrieve the year and date from either the release data or the stream start date - divadsn
Improve the performance of the internal get_items() function by using extend - BlackLight
Properly deal with the api returning non-json results - BlackLight
Add support for retrieving the reviews of an album - retired-guy
Update api token and slightly obfuscate it - morguldir
Update api token - morguldir