Source code for

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

# Copyright (C) 2019-2022 morguldir
# Copyright (C) 2014 Thomas Amland
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
# along with this program.  If not, see <>.

A module containing information about various media types.

Classes: :class:`Media`, :class:`Track`, :class:`Video`

import copy
import dateutil.parser
import tidalapi

[docs]class Media(object): """ Base class for generic media, specifically :class:`Track` and :class:`Video` This class includes data used by both of the subclasses, and a function to parse both of them. The date_added attribute is only relevant for playlists. For the release date of the actual media, use the release date of the album. """ id = None name = None duration = -1 available = True tidal_release_date = None user_date_added = None track_num = -1 volume_num = 1 explicit = False popularity = -1 artist = None #: For the artist credit page artist_roles = None artists = None album = None type = None def __init__(self, session, media_id=None): self.session = session self.requests = self.session.request self.album = session.album() = media_id if media_id is not None: self._get( def _get(self, media_id): raise NotImplementedError("You are not supposed to use the media class directly.")
[docs] def parse(self, json_obj): """ Assigns all :param json_obj: :return: """ artists = self.session.parse_artists(json_obj['artists']) # Sometimes the artist field is not filled, example: 62300893 if 'artist' in json_obj: artist = self.session.parse_artist(json_obj['artist']) else: artist = artists[0] album = None if json_obj['album']: album = self.session.album().parse(json_obj['album'], artist, artists) = json_obj['id'] = json_obj['title'] self.duration = json_obj['duration'] self.available = bool(json_obj['streamReady']) # Removed media does not have a release date. self.tidal_release_date = None release_date = json_obj.get('streamStartDate') self.tidal_release_date = dateutil.parser.isoparse(release_date) if release_date else None # When getting items from playlists they have a date added attribute, same with favorites. user_date_added = json_obj.get('dateAdded') self.user_date_added = dateutil.parser.isoparse(user_date_added) if user_date_added else None self.track_num = json_obj['trackNumber'] self.volume_num = json_obj['volumeNumber'] self.explicit = bool(json_obj['explicit']) self.popularity = json_obj['popularity'] self.artist = artist self.artists = artists self.album = album self.type = json_obj.get('type') self.artist_roles = json_obj.get('artistRoles')
[docs] def parse_media(self, json_obj): """ Selects the media type when checking lists that can contain both. :param json_obj: The json containing the media :return: Returns a new Video or Track object. """ if json_obj.get('type') is None or json_obj['type'] == 'Track': return Track(self.session).parse_track(json_obj) # There are other types like Event, Live, and Video witch match the video class return Video(self.session).parse_video(json_obj)
[docs]class Track(Media): """ An object containing information about a track. """ replay_gain = None peak = None isrc = None audio_quality = None version = None copyright = None
[docs] def parse_track(self, json_obj): Media.parse(self, json_obj) self.replay_gain = json_obj['replayGain'] # Tracks from the pages endpoints might not actually exist if 'peak' in json_obj and 'isrc' in json_obj: self.peak = json_obj['peak'] self.isrc = json_obj['isrc'] self.copyright = json_obj['copyright'] self.audio_quality = tidalapi.Quality(json_obj['audioQuality']) self.version = json_obj['version'] return copy.copy(self)
def _get(self, media_id): """ Returns information about a track, and also replaces the track used to call this function. :param media_id: TIDAL's identifier of the track :return: A :class:`Track` object containing all the information about the track """ parse = self.parse_track return self.requests.map_request('tracks/%s' % media_id, parse=parse)
[docs] def get_url(self): params = { 'urlusagemode': 'STREAM', 'audioquality' : self.session.config.quality, 'assetpresentation': 'FULL', } request = self.requests.request('GET', 'tracks/%s/urlpostpaywall' %, params) return request.json()['urls'][0]
[docs] def lyrics(self): """ Retrieves the lyrics for a song :return: A :class:`Lyrics` object containing the lyrics :raises: A :class:`requests.HTTPError` if there aren't any lyrics """ return self.requests.map_request('tracks/%s/lyrics' %, parse=Lyrics().parse)
class Lyrics(object): track_id = -1 provider = "" provider_track_id = -1 provider_lyrics_id = -1 text = "" #: Contains timestamps as well subtitles = "" right_to_left = False def parse(self, json_obj): self.track_id = json_obj['trackId'] self.provider = json_obj['lyricsProvider'] self.provider_track_id = json_obj['providerCommontrackId'] self.provider_lyrics_id = json_obj['providerLyricsId'] self.text = json_obj['lyrics'] self.subtitles = json_obj['subtitles'] self.right_to_left = bool(json_obj['isRightToLeft']) return copy.copy(self)
[docs]class Video(Media): """ An object containing information about a video """ release_date = None video_quality = None cover = None
[docs] def parse_video(self, json_obj): Media.parse(self, json_obj) release_date = json_obj.get('releaseDate') self.release_date = dateutil.parser.isoparse(release_date) if release_date else None self.cover = json_obj['imageId'] # Videos found in the /pages endpoints don't have quality self.video_quality = json_obj.get('quality') return copy.copy(self)
def _get(self, media_id): """ Returns information about the video, and replaces the object used to call this function. :param media_id: TIDAL's identifier of the video :return: A :class:`Video` object containing all the information about the video. """ parse = self.parse_video return self.requests.map_request('videos/%s' % media_id, parse=parse)
[docs] def get_url(self): params = { 'urlusagemode': 'STREAM', 'videoquality': self.session.config.video_quality, 'assetpresentation': 'FULL' } request = self.requests.request('GET', 'videos/%s/urlpostpaywall' %, params) return request.json()['urls'][0]
[docs] def image(self, width=1080, height=720): if (width, height) not in [(160, 107), (480, 320), (750, 500), (1080, 720)]: raise ValueError("Invalid resolution {} x {}".format(width, height)) return self.session.config.image_url % (self.cover.replace('-', '/'), width, height)